
Friday, August 17, 2012

Blogger Tag

I've been blogger tagged by James, who was tagged by Anna.
Here are the rules that were given to me:

Anna's rules:
If you are tagged/nominated, you must post eleven facts about yourself.
- Then, you must answer the eleven questions the tagger has given you and make eleven questions for the people you are going to tag.
- Next, tag eleven more bloggers.
- Tell the people you tagged that you have tagged them.
- No tagging back.
- The person you tagged must have less than 200 followers.

James' rules:
Now, I am bound to follow these rules.  However, there was nothing in these rules that said I couldn't change the rules for whomever I would tag.
So, here is the new set of rules.
If you are tagged:  You don't have to do anything!  However, here are some suggestions:
Follow Anna's rules, but loosely.  Feel free to tag back.  Feel free to tag Anna.
If you don't feel up to continuing the storm of blogger-tagging, you can always just leave a comment instead.

 Now just as James pointed out, There is no rule that says that you can't change the rules, so here are the new set of rules:
-If you are tagged, you mest post eleven facts about yourself.
-Then you must answer the eleven questions the tagger has given you and make eleven questions for the people you are going to tag, (you must also answer these).
-Next tag eleven (or as many as you can) bloggers. Make sure you hyperlink their names/blogs.
-Tell the people you tagged that you have tagged them.
-Yes, you can tag back.
-If you are tagged for a second time in a month, you do not have to tag anyone else. You are encouraged to answer the new questions though.
These are now the new set of rules.

 Eleven facts:
1. I'm an entomologist
2. I might be going into speech and debate this year.
3. I was recently the director of a movie, Treasure of the Mountains. It is still undergoing editing, but 

   I will post it when it is finished.
4. One of my brothers is getting married in a little less than a year.
5. I'm taller than my brother James. :P
6. I love to sing Celtic songs. I also like to sing Lyrical Science songs.
7. I always wonder what was going through Lee's mind during the Battle of Gettysburg.
8. Someday, I would love to visit Scotland, the home of the brave.
9. I love the names Joseth and Jeshua.
10. My insect collection is growing.
11. I am currently reading "Don't Waste Your Life" by John Piper. I highly recommend this book.

Here are the eleven questions that James asked:

1.  Who is your favorite well-known figure from American history who (a) never held office, (b) did not write any significant works and (c) died before the year 1850?
 Ah, you eliminated so many: Jonathan Edwards, Abraham Lincoln, Stonewall Jackson, etc,. 
I guess I'll pick Daniel Boone.
2.  If you could imitate any accent perfectly, which one would you enjoy imitating the most?
 Do you even have to ask me? A Scottish Brogue.
3.  Tau Ceti is the second closest star to the sun, and very similar to it in size, temperature and stability.  If if you had to write a work of science fiction centered on an earth-like planet around Tau Ceti, what would be the name of the book, and in two or more mid-length paragraphs, the basic gist of the story?  (Include names of characters.)
   I would write it about a small country that is in the middle of two larger countries that are at war with each other. The war would spill over into this small country, Elendith, and would turn it into a war torn wasteland. Laeyma, who has lost her family, is trying to get out without dying. She meets up with Resalna, a friend of hers, who is also trying to escape. They both are then captured and sent to a work camp. 
   There they meet someone from Elendith. His name is Melgath, and he used to be part of the Elendith army. He formulates a plan of escape, and the three of them along with two others, escape in a spaceship. They fly to the colony of Sumnad which was a colony of Elendith. It is on an outer moon. On this moon there are four seasons, but each only lasts for about a week. So the weather is constantly changing. At this the colony of Sumnad is in anarchy. Melgath gets involved with a group that is trying to restore peace, and then disappears. Meanwhile, Leyma and Resalna travel to the outskirts of the colony to some relatives of Leyma's.
   That's it. I guess it's somewhat of a cliffhanger, so I'd have to write another story to add to this one. But since I won't be writing this story anytime soon, I won't bother to think up that other story.
4.  If you were an Ent from Fangorn, what kind of tree would you resemble?
 Some kind of pine or fir. Probably a Ponderosa pine.
5.  If you had to travel through a dangerous wood, and you were allowed to carry a sword, a bow and quiver of arrows, and one other weapon of your choice, what weapon would you choose?
 A double edged axe.
6.  See the question above.  What kind of sword would you take? (Rapier, broadsword, etc.)
 A claymore.
7.  If you could go back in time and assist one of the Old Testament prophets with his ministry, which one would you choose?
8.  If you were given command of a captured foreign enemy ship, and the privilege was yours to rename the ship, what would you name her?
 It matters what kind of ship it is, and in what condition it's in. If it's somewhat beat up, I'd name it the Grig. If it was in nice condition, I'd name it The Snowy Tree Cricket.
9.  What is your favorite poem?  By whom?
 Any poem by Isaac Watts.
10.  What is the best knock-knock joke you've ever heard?
 I know that you've already mentioned this, James, but this is the best."Knock! Knock!" "Who's There?" "To." "To Who?" "To Whom."
11.  Finally, choose any acoustic stringed instrument (besides the 6 string guitar) and do a character sketch.
 I'm not sure if I quiet get what you mean, but here it goes.
   The bass (violin) is a sophisticated instrument, who wears spectacles, and a tailed coat. He reads books on philosophy, and is a professor of history at some pristine university. He is an elder at his church, and fills the pulpit every once in awhile. He is married to a cello, and they have three violas and six violins. He has his own website, on which he debunks heretical statements with sound theology. He also has written a few books himself.

Here are the eleven questions that I'm asking:

 1. What is your favorite not-especially-Christian song?
That's hard. I'll just give you several: "Oh Flower of Scotland," "All Living Things," "Scots Wha Hae," "St. Brenden's Fair Isle," "Invertebrates," and "Far Over The Misty Mountains Cold."
 2. If you were from Middle Earth, and you were either an elf or a dwarf, which would you be?
Of course I'd be a dwarf.
 3. What is your favorite kind of Insect?

This has got to be the hardest question of all, I don't think that I can narrow it down to one, so I'll give you two: Beetles, and Crickets.
 4. Many people don't like tomatoes. Are you one of these people?

No, I am not one of those people. I love tomatoes.
 5. You're walking down a road that you've never traversed. The trees are thick on either side of this road. You think you might of heard something in the trees ahead, what would you do?

I'd have my sword ready in hand, and progress forward.
 6. (See question 5) You suspicions were correct, because out steps a fearsome looking man who reminds you of a bandit. If in your previous answer you hid or ran, what would you do? If in you previous answer you continued forward, the bandit advanced, and demanded that you hand over anything of value that you had. What would you do?

I wouldn't let the man lay a hand on me. First he'd get a sword through his stomach.
 7. If you were held at gun point, and told to write a story where the main character had to be an older man (60 years or older), what would the main plot be in one sentence?
He would be a wise man who is mentoring three young men who were born in secular families.
 8. If you had a dark blue car/truck, what would you name it?

Klicnizlak. No that's not a typo.
 9. Out of all the kings of Israel in the Old Testament, which is you favorite?

Josiah. Close runners up would be David and Hezekiah.
 10. Who was your favorite Disciples out of all 13?

 11. Name one of your favorite presidents?

Abraham Lincoln.

I tag:

James of Jimmy Boone
Ezra of Shadow And Glory.
Nat of Megatron's Digital Archives.
Kyleigh of A Thousand Daily Deaths.

I may tag a few more latter on.


  1. I'm not going to do this as a post on my blog, but will answer your questions.
    1. Favorite not-especially-Christian song: Friend, my "absolute favorites" playlist is 60+ songs long, and half of those are not-especially-Christian. So. At the moment, it's probably Pablo Saraste's "Gypsy Airs," played on Euphonium. But there's also a lot of Celtic tunes, Bach, and other classical and soundtracks in there.

    2. An elf. But if I could be anybody, I think I'd be Rohirrim.

    3. Praying mantis.

    4. I love tomatoes.

    5. I would probably slip into the trees and wait, or continue on in the trees as quietly as possible.

    6. Now he's on the road and I'm in the forest, so I'd continue on.

    7. He'd be a man, who, instead of retiring, went to the mission field.

    8. I'm terrible at naming things (I've been working on a composition for over a month and it still has no name, and it's now done). Seagull is what comes to mind first, but they're not blue and they're not cars so I don't know why.

    9. Hezekiah.

    10. Probably John.

    11. George Washington!

  2. I also will not post another tag on my blog so soon. I'll answer them here.
    1. Saint Brendan's Fair Isle.
    2. An elf.
    3. Monarch Butterfly
    4. No, I am not one of those people. I enjoy a good tomato.
    5. I'd continue on, and ...
    6. ...when he confronts me, I'll just tell a brilliant joke that will leave him rolling helplessly on the forest floor in intense laughter. Then I'd continue on my merry way. (You, my friend, are so dull and prone to violence. Tsk, tsk.)
    7. He'd be an adventurous grandfather who, with his sons and grandsons, goes to the Congo and discovers Mokele Mbembe.
    8. Spruce.
    9. Melchizedek.
    10. Paul.
    11. I'd have to agree with Kyleigh. George Washington.

  3. Why is it that everyone would rather be an elf? Only Benjamin and I would be a dwarf.
